I apologize ..R. Wilson didn't want to leave

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  • wolfpack7483 Sep 15, 2019

    Stay on your knees worshipping me with FAKE ID wolpfack7483 sorry little sheep!

  • wolpfack7483 Sep 4, 2019
    Bench Warmer

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    What’s more adorable is that you are stalking this forum daily. Smh! My State brethren never cease to amaze me!

  • TruthBKnown Returns Aug 27, 2019
    Towel Boy

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    What's adorable is you reviving an 8 year old thread! Lol

  • Phybbbt Aug 22, 2019

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    And now they all want to claim him for State.


  • BattlingBishop 5 May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    Agreed! The welfare of the team should always come first over the individual.

  • NateACC May 3, 2011
    All Star

    "when you start bending rules for this player or that player, you establish a bad precedent. IMO " EXACTLY! That is taboo in a team sport. We see it happen way too often in this modern day when one ultra talented prima-dona is allowed special privilege. That does not fly with TOB and I am 100% fine with that!

  • BattlingBishop 5 May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    "If I had been given an equal opportunity to compete for the starting job, I would not have asked for my release." Russell Wilson in an interview with the N&O

    That comment says it all. TOB obviously communicated to RW the importance of participating in spring drills. RW's comments lead me to believe there was an ultimatum given. Either practice with the team or you're out as a starter. I think TOB accommodated RW as best he could under the circumstances. As I posted previously, TOB made the right call. Just an fyi, when you start bending rules for this player or that player, you establish a bad precedent. IMO

  • jandscroom May 3, 2011

    Why couldn't Russell play a flanker type position...where he could run, pass or catch the football...just asking? 2 Qb's/3 RB'S/3 or 4 receivers on the field every down. Man...sounds awesome to me!! But...whatever, I'm a STATE Fan...no matter what! 5 in a row...unc!!!

  • ncguy May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

    Alienate the fanbase?

    i think TOB did the right thing will it haunt us? we'll see but in any case RW is probably not gonna make it in the NFL or MLB. So this rest soley on russell's shoulders for "testing the MLB waters"

    TOB has a program to run and can't be bothered with maybe's he has to only think of what he has on the field for practice.

  • SAC71GOPACK May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    No clue what your talking bout there, ruined one.

  • boposke May 3, 2011


    I have a feeling RW is done with Football but if he does I hope he does well. TOB has great faith in MG and I do too. We also have other QB's that we can choose from that will help us down the road

    GO PACK!!!

  • kato_karma May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

    Fantatical -- is that your Tennessee or NCSU schooling there crane-head?

  • SAC71GOPACK May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

    Better make it a BIG crane.

    Ruined pie :)

  • kato_karma May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    Me? just sticking to my word...calling your dumb azz out when it rears its balloon-sized head.

    You? How's the ignore thing going? Or shall we chalk that up as another failure?

  • SAC71GOPACK May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

    Stalker Alert!

    poor thing can't couldn't give over me with a crane.

  • kato_karma May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

    Wow -- outstanding comeback from the master of lame-azz comebacks. Seventh post from the fantatical (or is it fanantical??? lol) Nut-SAC on this particular thread since 9:30am. He's such a self-absorbed egotistical dweeb, if you wait long enough, he responds to himself -- not only can he not ignore cojo, he can not ignore himself.

  • SAC71GOPACK May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    again, welcome to the world of being a SPORTS FAN!!!

    the word FAN, isn't short for FANATICAL for nothing.

    if you can't stand the heat, keep your assss out of the kitchen!

  • bifftannen May 3, 2011

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    I was at the game (bball game) when Yates got booed. It was being done by an id!ot section of students. They were very loud but it was not even close to the whole crowd doing it.
    I was also at the State/FSU game when Russell Wilson got booed hardcore after throwing a huge pick and playing poorly in the first half. Fans were screaming for him to get benched in favor of Glennon, including the State fans who took me to the game. But once the defense turned on the pressure, RW went on to practically win the game by himself on offense. Then magically all the boo-birds were singing the "RW is the best in the ACC" song. It's a tune we will hear often next season if Glennon doesn't win big.

  • SAC71GOPACK May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    Link to him being likened to "chopped liver"???

    thanks in advance, for your FAILURE.

    it's hole fans like you, that make pulling for the PACK so much fun!


  • Hans May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

    Russell Wilson - from Heisman trophy candidate to chopped liver in 12 short months.

  • UConnrulz May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    there is a free board...and those lead articles are viewable by all....you certainly don't think I subscribe to Pack Pride....lol

  • SAC71GOPACK May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    I don't belong to IC.


  • UConnrulz May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

    OK lets end this one....it is gone on longer than needed...we are NEVER going to agree......

    The upcoming football season has just gotten got more interesting.....about 4 months away - can't wait(enjoy your summer!)

  • SAC71GOPACK May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    He's never been handed the ball, after the opening kickoff, and been asked to go get the Pack a victory... so neither of us know how he'll handle that situation.

    as for your last sentence...

    that's right.... and, I can't wait to see "how it plays out".

    Have I mentioned that???

    GO PACK!

  • jbarron4950 May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

    "I for one would have loved to see Glennon at QB for the past three years instead of Wilson."
    considering you've NEVER seen him there as it is... HOW do you know???

    I'll hang up and listen to you fumble over yourself.....By SAC71GOPACK

    Ok, so now is it your assertion that he never played in a game and never participated in spring and fall drills? And is it also your opinion that he would have been or will be as good as RW? Someone asked the question earlier as to why Glennon, who had the opportunity to participate in spring drills while RW was away, didn't beat him out for the starting position. How long has Glennon been at State and what's your take on that? Speaking of fumbling, how many do you think MG will have this year? I have my opinions and you have yours......we'll all get to see how this plays out.

  • SAC71GOPACK May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    can anyone interpret that last sentence for me???
    I might take a gander at answering it, if I only knew what it was asking.

    Answer to Q1- Last year's O-line wasN'T experienced enough to create a steady pocket for a prototypical drop back passer (See- Glennon), and it's far easier to design blocking schemes (again for inexperienced blockers) that involve a moving pocket.... as they just move in one direction or the other as a group. This year's O-line is the same as last year's except with one more year of experience under their belt and a Robert Crisp that's had a full year of college to put together his future NFL body. TOB is an O-line specialist, and this year will be the first year his fruit will come to bear.

    I (for one) canNOT wait!

  • SAC71GOPACK May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    "I for one would have loved to see Glennon at QB for the past three years instead of Wilson."
    considering you've NEVER seen him there as it is... HOW do you know???

    I'll hang up and listen to you fumble over yourself.

  • SAC71GOPACK May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    State returns an ALL ACC TE, along with 4 starters from the O-line, and their starting tailback, along with WRs that saw plenty of time last year... so the only true ? is QB, which is going to be the case for nearly EVERY ACC team this year.

    I like our chances, and according to "pts allowed per game"... State's returning a BETTER D than carolina, just thought I'd throw that lil "factoid" in there, for ya.

    State's best team (looking at classifications/experience/etc) would actually be the year after this one, so getting Glennon some much needed experience as a starter for all 12+ games this season, will only serve to make the '11-'12 squad that much better.

    TOB's not the winningest coach in BC's history by accident.... he's done this (built a sustained program) before.

    Again, I canNOT wait to see this squad bring it this fall!!!

  • UConnrulz May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    Wonder why Glennon didn't beat out Wilson for the job last year? How many minutes to Glennon get 15 or 20 all year long?

  • jbarron4950 May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

    By TruthBKnown Returns......Someone made a good point earlier, saying Russell ran for over 20 yards on 3rd and 19 against Carolina, and that Glennon won't be doing that for us this year. That's true. There are going to be times when we miss Russell's legs. But Russell also threw a few ill-advised passes into double coverage that got intercepted this year. He was intercepted twice inside the 10 yard line (one against FSU and one in overtime at ECU that cost us the game). Maybe that's where we'll LIKE Glennon.

    Suppose he hadn't thrown those interceptions.....would that have guaranteed a State win? And what happened during the rest of the game that even got them to that point? It's still possible that State may not have scored. And what about the string of completions that RW had without an interception? Does anyone really believe that Glennon will ever come close to matching that? I for one would have loved to see Glennon at QB for the past three years instead of Wilson.

  • UConnrulz May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    There is a guy who on here that always asks for links...can you provide the link for an IC writer critizing Butch Davis.....(not a poster - the link I provided is a writer for Pack Pride)

    I'll hang out and wait

  • jbarron4950 May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

    MG's the Pack's new (more than capable) leader.

    He's been groomed for this very thing. I have a feeling non Pack fans are going to wind up wishing RW had come back.

    I'm excited about how good their D's going to be... It aint easy to block JR Sweezy :)

    Can't wait!.......By SAC71GOPACK

    So, are you saying that experience counts for nothing. The "D" may be good, but if you don't score on "O" what does that translate into? Carolina has a good "D" returning, but the offense is inexperienced and is still a huge question mark.

  • jbarron4950 May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

    RW will be missed. I am as delusional as any state fan, but this will haunt us. You would have to be a fool to think we are better off without him. I got a chance to meet RW after the champs bowl, he is the definition of a class act. Glennon may become a star. RW already is a star. It is that simple......By adambrock

    As a Carolina fan, I wish that he had left year before last. Glennon may turn out to be a good QB, but he will not be a Russell Wilson.....as we will all find out soon enough.

  • SAC71GOPACK May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    B-I-N-G-O, and Bingo was his name-O.

  • SAC71GOPACK May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

    AG has a very astute comment yesterday on his show (since the hole fan has resorted to quoting talking heads on this, so will I), when he said that RW doesn't need a Sr. season to make it to the NFL.... and he went on to cite several players that didn't play a down last year (or played very few) that were ALL drafted. RW has the combine if he truly feels his game is NFL worthy.

    He made his bed, and he'll lie comfortably in it, and the vast MAJORITY of Pack Nation will continue to thank him profusely for his contributions to the program, wish him well in his future endeavors, and politely mock him for crying like a baby on his way out the door.

    RW is NOT bigger than Wolfpack Football Program, nor is any player/coach.


  • jam3 May 3, 2011
    All Star

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    This is not an incident! It's simply two people's judgement on what's best for all involved. Wilson was good and now he plays baseball. Glennon will not struggle and if he does, it's better this year than next. TOB is the coach and he's right. If Wilson does not participate in all practices(Spring and Fall) he should not be given a chance to start, period. That is a wise coaching decision and it sends a clear message to all players. Be here or be a back up. Zarzour is the one out of touch! It's called integrety or something like that. More coaches around here should have some. TOB runs a clean ship and has rules that must be followed. That's one reason State has the best football program around here.

  • SAC71GOPACK May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    what fanbase doesN'T turn on their QB when he's struggling??? Do I need to provide you a link to you and YOUR fanbase BOOING TJ Yates???
    TOB made the RIGHT move, and his charges will agree, for they're the ones out their busting their humps during the heat of spring and summer while RW is quite simply.... NOT.

    You (a blatant hole fan) nor taylor mean a hill of beans to the vast MAJORITY of the Pack fanbase, or ANY of its players.

    accept that reality, however your pastel loving mind will allow you to.

  • jam3 May 3, 2011
    All Star

    When Wilson signed the baseball contract, all bets were off for his football career. He was very fortunate that he was allowed to play football by the Rockies last year. They made it clear that he would play a full season this year. He made this choice to sign a baseball contract. That was his mistake! He could continued doing both in college, but this is what happens when you don't think things through. TOB is doing exactly what he's supposed to do. Look out for the football teams best interest now and in the future. This guy is asking for more special treatment and you cannot allow that. He was told if he did not attend spring practice, he would not start, period. TOB did not back down! Good for him! Right decision! Wilson should have stuck to football, that's where his future is, but maybe he can find the right situation. He'll never be as good as he could have been, because he must dedicate himself to one or the other. He'll figure it out at some point.

  • Hans May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

    Taylor Zarzour said this morning that the RW incident shows how completely out of touch TOB is. This move has alienated a large portion of the fan base, and he echoed my sentiment that Wolfpack Nation will turn on TOB should Glennon struggle.

  • SAC71GOPACK May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    who cares????

    I'm sure I can find kerlina posters on IC that will say that butch should be gone (in fact, I've read as much there).... does that mean they're right???

    RW made his own bed on this deal, and the team has (rightly) moved on.

    Build a bridge, and get over it.

  • UConnrulz May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    From Pack Pride.....it is not only me who thinks this way.

    The Coach didn't give an ultimatum - the coach was going to allow the player to come back. If the coach allows the player to come back then the player should be allowed to compete for the starting job - it is that simple. If the coach gave an ultimatum it SHOULD have been right before Wilson signed on the dotted line for baseball. "Russell if you sign that contract you understand I will have to release you from the football team with no chance of returning". THAT is an ultimatum. There is no other coach in America that would tell a player ..."yes you are on the team, but you can't compete for a starting job"

  • BattlingBishop 5 May 3, 2011
    Sports Legend

    RW has only himself to think about & TOB is looking after the Pack program. A lot of fans understand why TOB handled this the way he did. As for those who don't get it, they probably never will. The coach gives the ultimatum, not the player, especially on the collge level. Besides, it wouldn't be fair to Glennon or the rest of the team to allow this to continue. Good call by TOB!

  • packster56 May 3, 2011
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    I think you have to look at what he did as an individual to see his true worth. Had he had a little more help from the defense in his first two seasons. He would've produced a very solid record. He showed he could get the offense to put points on the board unfortunately he couldn't keep the other team off the board. That's the D's job.

  • GhostofSmitty May 3, 2011
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    True that Marty, and as coach you cannot have a player running the team or making the decisions for the team. The Marine did what he needed to do for the good of the outfit. RW had to know that TOB could not sit Glennon and his loyalty with RW treating the State football team like a booty call. If he did not know, he does now. I really like RW but TOB wanted a commitment that RW was not prepared to give.

    BTW, there was a bozo named "Carl" that called in to Gold/Ovies show today and stated that TOB was a "coward" for taking RWs right away to compete for the position, like his civil rights had been violated. I did not have time to call in but if that guy is reading this I would love to see you go up and call TOB, a Marine, a "coward". Might be the last thing the guy ever does on earth. I thought Gold should have nailed the dude for the attempted character assassination but he didn't. Weak form Gold.

  • lmartin152 May 2, 2011
    Sports Legend

    Will disagree with Russell's assertion that he wouldn't be given a fair chance to compete for the starting QB spot. He passed on his fair chance to compete by not reporting to spring practice with the rest of the team. Therefore, Russell Wilson made the decision to not be State's quarterback.

  • NateACC May 2, 2011
    All Star

    "Although I remain undecided on the option of playing college football this coming season, I believe it is in the best interest of the players and coaches involved to end any speculation of my return to the Wolfpack," Wilson said in a statement. "It has become apparent that the time has come for the program to move on without me." Sounds like even Russel agrees it was time?

  • careerman7370 May 2, 2011

    From a coaches standpoint, TOB did what was the best for the team. As for what we'd be yelling if RW was on the sidelines.....it doesn't matter! He's not there and we would turn to probably Brosius.

    Russell is gone, the decisions are made. Can we please move on to something that may still impact the team?

  • 4tarheels May 2, 2011
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    Disagree. If State had lost one or two to the Heels then TOB (not RW) would have been shown the door. It's his wins over UNC that bought him time to finally compile a winning record last season.

  • SAC71GOPACK May 2, 2011
    Sports Legend

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    at this hole fan purporting to know what "Wolfpack Nation" will do.


  • BeastOnTheHill May 2, 2011
    Sports Legend

    R. Wilson was the state QB for 3 season right? he compled a record of 20-18(11-13) right? Yes, he is a great athlete with his ability to make something out of nothing and provided some very exciting moments to watch. but all the great moments didn't add up to a great record. i think its the wins over UNC that bring most of his appeal to the red fans. if he loses 1 or two to UNC he is being sent out by the fans too.

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